Functional Practices

Let our industry experts pool skilled executives and leaders for your organization.



With new benchmarks in technology, organizations are being transformed at a fast pace. To keep up with this, you need technology leaders that can tackle complex challenges and have the requisite technical expertise and leadership bandwidth to navigate stakeholder relationships across the organization.

Leading Auto OEM Vice President IT

  • Pune

European High Performance Materials Manufacturer Head IT

  • Mumbai

Multinational Pharmaceutical Company Director - Information Technology

  • Mumbai

Water Technology Solutions Provider Digital COE – India Leader (Solutions Development and Services)

  • Bengaluru

Energy & Environment Solutions Provider Head IT

  • Pune

Diversified Indian Business Conglomerate Head – IT

  • Pune

Leading Agchem Manufacturer Chief Information Officer

  • Delhi

Multinational Cement Manufacturer Chief Information Officer

  • Kuwait

Leading Design & Engineering Company Senior General Manager - IT

  • Gurgaon